Friday, 12 December 2014

Star Wars

In 1977, a little known producer released a movie that the US major companies did not want to touch.  It was considered not to be “the right stuff” for a major motion picture – and so it was made in Britain.  37 years later, this movie that was a guaranteed dud, has grossed more dollars than anyone could have ever have believed – and furthermore, there is a new movie about to be released!  Star Wars has been a cult favourite for a huge amount of time.  From my time and my parent’s time, Star Wars has been around.  The original three movies with their stars were really interesting to me as a child – and I had many of the original Star Wars themed toys… Then came the second wave, the prequel series.  The trilogy, which was written about the origins of the people in the first set of movies arrived with a huge fanfare – and that’s when we all had to buy the merchandise of the second set of three movies.  It took some time to see all three of the “prequel trilogy” and to me they were all involved in my growing up.  I have fond memories of having my face painted to look like the villainous Darth Maul – or opening my toys from under the Christmas tree and lining up the clones and the good guys.  So, now when they are promising a geriatric Han Solo, Princess Leia and Luke Skywalker, I wonder what they are going to do.  Should the series have stayed buried in its glory – or will the adult figures inspire me to watch the next two releases – only time will tell.

PERSONAL FAVOURITES: I have to say that the original Star Wars – as hokey and sparse as the special effects were, still are very close to my heart.  This was a different take on Star Wars and lacked the CGI of the newer films, however – to me they were real.  At a certain point in time the special effects become so extreme that they are unbelievable, the old movies – even with the feel that Luke and Darth Vader are in a Space Invaders game at the end – are still great. 

When I think of the new take on the franchise, I would have to say that The Phantom Menace is the strongest of the three.  I believe that in trilogies, in most cases the second movie tends to be the weakest – somewhat of a filler to get to the finale which everyone has been waiting for.  Often the finale is very strong – I found it hard to differentiate between the first series Number 1 and Number 3 – when they all live happy ever after – except for those who don’t.  On the other hand Number 1 of the prequels started well, the second faltered and the third movie had to have a bad outcome or the original films would never have been created.  I was not fond of the over use of CGI technique and that the old puppets had been mothballed for a computer app.  Darth Vader (Anakin) was so over the top as to be funny and his last word of the series – “NOOOO!”

One thing that must be noted in the Star Wars franchise is the use of spirituality – and the strong moral ethic – good versus bad.  The dark side was something that nobody wanted to give in to – which was great for me as a kid – I had to be good or end up looking like Humpty Dumpty with a mask on! I don’t want to be critical, but I think – although I liked the Phantom Menace that there was more of a punch to the old series.  Whether it was just the story or whether it was the fact that these characters seemed to represent some ideals, they had a lot of influence on a lot of little kids.

MERCHANDISE:  This is something that can’t be questioned.  There have been so many books, models and toys that this franchise is a money spinner. In fact whole comic book series, graphic novels and paperback books have been produced just to relate the adventures of the heroes. Furthermore the VHS tapes and DVDs have been cleaned up and repackaged, reprocessed, etc.  The original series had a completely different character as Anakin and so the footage was adapted – so you could buy the new old series.  And now Disney has purchased the Star Wars trademark – so there is even more merchandise and toys, clothes, etc. for sale.
In conclusion Star Wars is likely on of the best franchise in Sci Fi – only rivaled by Star Trek, which in its many forms has probably lasted longer than Star Wars… but they make mean running mates.

This franchise is certainly worth at least one watch – and maybe more if you have the opportunity to see old and new movies – and I am certainly eagerly awaiting the new movie, wondering if the trilogy can top the old ones.  We’ll see.

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